Thursday, January 3, 2008


Being a role model for the rest of your family especially a healthy role model is one of the best ways to get your spouse & children up and on regular basis. Tips as follow:-

* Make your exercise fun & interesting. Try various activities that will raise the heart rate such as a game in group cycle.

* Family stroll. Pick different route each time you're going for this stroll and make a easy game on your way that make everybody participate.

* Go to park or beach for a family affair once a week. Play games, rund through the sand, hop on a swing, paddle in the water.

* If you have pets, do bring along for companion and this will make your activities with your family more fun and exciting.

* Dancing?? Try to coordinate dancing time for your family. Whether is cha-cha dance, ballroom dance or disco dance make it a one nite 03 hours non-stop crazy time with your family. No alchohol please......plain water or some fresh fruits would be better!!

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