Friday, December 28, 2007


Your heart rate (pulse) is a good measure of how hard you are working. Take your resting pulse before you start to exercise and your "exercise pulse" at the end of your workout. To do this, place your first two fingers either under your jaw or on your upturned wrist and count the beats for 15 seconds. Multiply that number by four to calculate your pulse rate per minute.

Age (yrs) Heart rate (beats/minute)
10 - 19 140 - 170
20 - 29 120 - 160
30 - 39 120 - 150
40 - 49 110 - 140
50 - 59 110 - 130
60 + 90 - 120

Your heart should be beating faster than when you are not exercising. This exercise pulse should fall within the range corresponding to your age. If it does not, you may not be exercising hard enough. Continuously exercising, your fitness level will improve and your resting pulse should be lowered.

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