Butter & Margarine..
Which one in healthier? In fact,they usually have the same content.Margarine is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol,but many people prefer butter as they feel it is a more natural product.as long as you don't eat too much,and your blood cholesterol level is not high,both butter and margerine are perfectly acceptable.
BUTTER by law contain over 80% fat.This fat is predominantly saturated and high in cholesterol.
REDUCED-FAT SPREADS a blend of milk fat or vege oil and water with about 50% of fat of butter or margerine.
DAILY SPREADS gaining in popularity,these spreads have some canola or olive added but they can still contain up to 42% saturated fat.
Polyunsaturated Margarines made from sunflower,safflower and soya bean oils.you can lower blood cholestreol by replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats.Some nut and seed contain polyunsaturated fats.